Monday, 23 May 2022

Unit 20 – Advertising Media


LO1 know how exiting advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media products

P1: Describe an existing media advertising campaign

Aims and Objectives

One of the campaign's objectives was to target all Americans—regardless of age, gender or physical fitness level—and Nike's fundamental objective was to represent sneakers as a fashion statement to consumers, which led to Nike apparel becoming worn as more than just fitness gear.

Target Audience

 Nike ‘just do it’ target market is largely consumers ages 15-45, all genders. Nike has focused its marketing efforts on the digital space in recent years, prior to this they advertised primarily on print.

Key Messages

The campaign embodied Nike's image as an innovative American icon associated with success through the combination of professional athletes and motivational slogans emphasizing sportsmanship and health. This led to customers associating their purchases with the prospect of achieving greatness.


The approach that Nike has to the viewers and wanted to covey a simple black and white logo that is eye catching to the target audience. 


Nike wanted to make this logo friendly and gender neutral, as black and white could be classed as user friendly and appealing for all because most people like simple but effective logos.


The slogan was coined in 1987 at an advertising agency meeting. The founder of the Wieden+Kennedy agency, Dan Wieden, credits the inspiration for his "Just Do It" Nike slogan to Gary Gilmore's last word: "Let's Do It". 


Nike as a company had to do a lot of planning to get it where it is now for example, billboards, posters and many more other resources. Due to the development of technology they did not have to worry about advertisements on social media as technology was not as advanced in 1987.

Choice of Media

Nike uses multiple social media platforms to create a lifestyle and a community among customers. Its tweets are short, punchy, compelling, and nearly always include the hashtag #justdoit or other society supporting hashtags like #nikewomen. Nike has social media profiles on all major platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. The brand diversified their online presence by creating separate pages for its products catering to different target audiences.


Call to Action

Nike try to build and have a great relationship with there customers, by creating a two way conversation with customers. Nike constantly evaluates and gains feedback from customers through a variety of polls on social media, as well as measuring common purchases and favorites in their Nike accounts. Nikes slogan of 'Just Do It' is catchy and encourages interaction with customers as well as being a positive phrase that gets adapted for all aspects of peoples life's.

Relevant Legal and Ethical issues

When Nike put together a new product, advertisement or campaign they are met with a number of potential ethical and legal issues. Some of the ethical issues that Nike are met with including human, worker and animal rights. As well as these we have to ensure they are following the guidelines for pollution, environmental and political activities.
Other legal aspects which need to be considered are the equality laws, of gender, wage and working hours.

Regulatory Bodies

Nike is a global industries and has to ensure standards are kept to the highest and responsibilities are seriously adhered to. Nike has a number or conduct codes to meet when developing and manufacturing products. They need to ensure they are meeting the correct substances and that the materials meet the correct standards. They need to ensure they are meeting the needs of all their regulatory bodies under the elements of Business, Product, Manufacturing, Chemical and Social.

LO1 know how exiting advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media products

M1: Evaluate different cross media advertising campaigns for consistency of message

LO2 Be able to plan a cross media advertising campaign to a client brief

P2: Create a plan for a cross media advertising campaign in response to a client brief


Working Title: BULLSH!T 

Product: I aim to produce promotional material for a Horror /Thriller short film based in a well know local area in Liverpool. 

Specifications: The types of promotional materials I will be developing are billboards, digital marketing, poster/print, bus wrap and other digital screening content. 

Purpose: The purpose of my promotional resources is to promote a local film in a well-known local area. It has a purpose of entertaining the audience while at the same time adding an element of surprise and thrill to the screening. 

Inspiration: The inspiration I have considered when designing this promotional campaign, I have looked at IT (2017) and Wrong Turn (2021). Both film advertisements have gotten similar colour schemes with dark and dull contrasts. The Font is also very gothic which is like that of the style I will be using for my advertising logo. The colour of the font on IT is the same reddish colour I will be using on BULLSH!T as it symbolises blood, fear, and death. 

Advert Content: The advert will contain basic black and white photography of the location where the film is set. In this case it is Croxteth Park. There will be very text included to eliminate the chance of ruining the story line. The title will be written in gothic red horizontal across the bottom of the image. The slogan will appear across the top of the advert in white basic text “Please Believe” to keep the viewers on edge and give them the excitement and query that it could be true horror. 

Target Audience: Like most horror/thriller films the target audience will be 17–25 year-olds, with a demographic of 70% male to 30% female. However, those people who are familiar with the area where the film is set will be attracted to the film as they will be encouraged to watch it as they can connect further with the location. 

Resources and Personnel: In the designing process of the advertisement, I have used numerous software and design materials. For the image I used a primary resource from photographing the scene in person. Following on, amendments had to be made to the image using Adobe Photoshop to edit the photo contrast and insert all the texts. 

Distribution and Marketing Methods: I plan on several print adverts which will be pasted around bus/train stations and stops, newspapers, billboards as well as bus wraps. In addition to this I will ensure I use digital screens around the city centre for a wider audience. Social Media marketing will be a major method that will be used with the opportunity to do targeted promotion to appear on the demographics social media feed also allowing them to self-share the advert which can hit a wider audience. 

P3: Create a pre- production plan for the media components in the planned advertising campaign

Assessment Criteria for P3:

YOU are required to produce pre-production materials for their planned media components.

These may include: pitch documentation; research into genre and conventions; images and mood boards; production schedule with proposed launch dates; any other relevant material (i.e. sample footage and sounds). 

Evidence could be produced in the form of a formal word-processed document, presentation or hand drafted documentation with supporting notes and digital files.

Following from my research into genre and conventions of types of advertising campaigns, it has been evident that public print displays such as billboards have a high reach within their local area. Considering this it will be useful to use a billboard to promote my horror/thriller as it is set in this city. Further more my poster advertisements will be displayed on bus wrap for a wider out reach as they travel multiple routes. 

While looking into the different colour palettes I was quick to eliminate certain colour types. For instances, pastel and bright colours are not suitable for a horror/thriller as they are warm and friendly. These colours would be more gauged towards romantics and universal friendly type of movies.  

M2: Justify the choice of planning components by targeted media sector  

You must justify your choice of components (elements which make up a Horror/Thriller genre poster) and the reasons why they have been incorporated within the advertising campaign.  

While planning each component and elements of my posters I have had to take into consideration several factors to ensure maximum response for my advertising campaign.  
I will ensure that the target media sector is a focus in terms of what will be the best social channels for my target audience of 17 - 25 years old's. As previously stated, this will be aimed towards 70% male demographic to 30% female, however, within the local area the citizens within the county of Merseyside. I feel that twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Linked in are the best social platforms to be used for this group and short clips for Tik Tok. 

The products I will be creating and producing for promotional purposes are of a wide variety. From posters to be displayed around in physical locations, billboards and digital advertisements on social media, and digital screenings in pop up areas. To Bus wraps for multiple routes to the bus and train stations. 


Title: BULLSH!T 

Slogan: Please Believe  

Information: The film will be set in a local park which is well thought of and known in the surrounding area. However, there have been certain rumours which suggest that the Bulls which live on the grounds of the country park have turned evil. But due to the safe environment of the park’s safe reputation, people in the community refuse to believe the rumours which link to the slogan of the film ‘Please Believe.’ This is short and catchy to stand out with the audience and it fits in with the theme of thriller as it is exciting and adds an element of nerves if it is true. 


Celebrities: Some of the local celebrities from Liverpool will be starring in the film. This is to inspire young performing arts people so that it is possible for big actors to perform in their own city. There will also be an opportunity for the local youth performing arts students to apply for extra roles. 


Imagery: I have used an image of Croxteth park as it is the main set scene for the film. This could increase the number of viewers of the film because it will make people want to watch a film being set in their area. Black and white images to set the scene and provide an unnerving approach.  


Fonts, Font size, font colours: I have chosen a gothic red font to emphasis the genre of the film as the red has a symbol of blood and danger, also red is a colour considered truly relevant to the use of Bulls in the film. The slogan however is simplistic and plain stating ‘Pease Believe’ to catch the audience's attention with the hope for them to find the truth in the production.  


General colours to be used, layout, positioning of elements: I have used the Black and white imagery which is familiar theme within horror/thriller advertisement productions.  The image is of a long path within the main setting providing an open fear. You cannot see the end of this could signify that this situation that is going on could be endless.

D1: Discuss the legal and ethical constraints within the planning campaign.

You are required to discuss the legal and ethical issues applicable to your planned advertising campaign. 

When planning my advertising campaign there where several legal and ethical issues that I had to consider which where applicable for today’s society.
There are regulations that affect advertising in terms of customers and businesses. Unfair Trading Regulations have ‘The Consumer Protection’ which outlines that within advertisements you cannot mislead or harass the consumers with information or deceptive messages.

Legal and Ethical issues are about ensuring that a product being created does not cause any offence by containing harmful messages implicit or explicit towards a certain group of people, representing them with respect, dignity and sensitivity. This could possibly be suggested from my Horror film promotional material as the imagery being used in a religious setting with churches and crosses featuring in my posters.

I must also ensure that the materials and typography I am using is not being represented in a manner similar to a previously developed advertisement under copyright laws. If these regulations are broken then it could be dealt with by Trading Standards Office, which may result in being fined, prosecuted or even imprisoned.

In resolving this issue, my promotional poster includes an explicit word ‘BULLSH!T’ this could offend a younger audience, this could have a negative impact on my viewers, so to prevent this from happening I will change the ‘I’ in the title to an explanation mark.
We must ensure that know concerned viewers consider the content or language is an act of Slander, as the promotional products and film itself make no false accusations or implications of any kind, keeping in mind when creating the product that anyone who could potentially feel this way doesn't because of the handling of the representation.
The films plot and editing will be created with this idea in mind as to avoid anything that could be claimed as legal slander. Another possible cause for issues would be the use of blood in the posters and billboards. 

It's very possible that parents could take issue with this design being shown in public due to its graphic depictions, worrying in case children see it. I believe I resolved this issue by using as much subtly as possible in the graphic details. 

I show only the pathway of Croxteth Park, meaning adults and more mature people will see the poster and be able to link the two mentally and understand the films genre and what to expect, while children will not understand the violent or terrifying nature of the film poster.
When developing the advertisements, I must unsure I am following the Data Protection Act when collecting personal information of any cast or crew member ensuring the data is safe and secure. 

In line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we must ensure that we use information fairly and lawfully. The information collated needs to be handled appropriately with reduced access and stored in a secure place for only a given period.

Ethical information can only be given if the subject allows and should not be forced in lines with the equality act, however, if this is provided we must ensure this sensitive information is safeguarded strongly.

Finally, I must ensure that I am abiding by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988), this act gives creators of digital media the rights to control how their work is used and distributed. Any sound, imagery or videos created by someone else can not be used under the copyright law. 

Considering this I have took my own primary images for the advertisement, I ensured that the font and graphic design is not a duplication of others work. I have refrained from amending other digital media produce ensuring that the content of the film is new.

LO3 Be able to produce the planned media components

P4: Create the media components to be used in the planned campaign

For Primary resources I travelled to Croxteth Park to take my own images, of multiple areas to review which would appear best in my advertisement. By taking picture of different locations in the park give a variety of options and pathways I could go down this could support and make my advertisement stronger.   

I did not choose all of the elements of the poster at random, I took time to review and analyse other popular movies within the same genre. This led me to the decision of incorporating the common themes and presentations for a successful advertising campaign.  

When researching different locations trying to find the area where is most prominent for viewer engagement, I thought Liverpool city centre would be most successful as the advertising wall, measuring 90 metres by 13 metres, will be managed by Ocean Outdoor, a contractor that specialises in outdoor advertising. The advertising space is made up of an LED screen 31 metres long and 7 metres tall. This this being more movement and flashing lights would attract my younger audience due to technology within todays society

Due to it being day time when I had taken the images I had to do some editing to make the imagery have a darker outtake to give the promotion poster an overall sinister feel to it. To do this i used photoshop shop to change this images.    

Final Conclusion

Overall, the feedback and outcome of my poster was really successful as 

M3: Explain how to create media components comply with the codes and conventions of the media sector.

Due to my study, I believe the poster and billboard designs I created perfectly demonstrate my comprehension of genuine media items in the Horror/Thriller market. For example, I employ a mostly colourless colour palette that contrasts with the title/blood stain's red typography. 

The contrast between the deep black backdrop and the deep red of the title and the iconic red balloon is very similar to the illustration below of the 'IT' film poster. Connoting blood symbolism and creating an uncomfortable environment, achieving the same purpose as my poster, demonstrating my research and comprehension.

Codes of Media
Technical, textual, and symbolic methods used to generate or indicate meaning in media forms and products are referred to as media codes. Camera, acting, setting, mise en scene, editing, lighting, sound, special effects, typography, colour, visual composition, text, and graphics are all examples of media codes

Conventions of the Media
Story principles, form and structure, generic structures, character and story arcs, cause and effect, point of view, the structuring of time, elements of page layout, print paper stock, titles and credits sequences, hyperlinking, and mounting and framing of images are all examples of rules or generally accepted ways of constructing form and informing meaning in media products.

codes and conventions or billboards / social media and Horror/Thriller genre posters

Text about billboards

D2: Demonstrate how the technical and aesthetic properties of the media components meet the client brief

Learners are required to demonstrate how the advertisements technical and aesthetic properties meet the requirements of the clients brief and their preproduction plan. 

Learners should evaluate their final components against their client brief and demonstrate how the components support the advertisement campaign. 


THE CLIENT: 21st Century Productions Ltd.

ABOUT THE CLIENT: 21st Century Productions Ltd is a medium sized independent film company with an annual turnover of 15 million pounds. They specialise in producing high quality short film productions aimed predominantly at an audience aged between 17-25 years. 

The audience/customer is approximately 70% male and 30% female.

They have achieved a reputation in particular for producing films of the Horror/Thriller genre. It is this specialism that they wish to develop and promote.


The company want to run an advertising campaign to increase ticket of their latest film release (Disciples). They want to produce a campaign that uses traditional poster sites at bus stops, motorway service areas and billboard facilities close to cinema locations.

The company also want to take advantage of digital advertising platforms.

Research data produced by the Data Detail Marketing and Research Company show that 70% of the target audience are more influenced by such advertising platforms.

Produce a range of visuals and proposals that present ideas for the Company’s consideration. The advertising must be appropriate to the target audience, be clear and effective in its message and cost effective.

Initial ideas and visuals should develop with the approval of the Company’s management team to produce a cutting-edge campaign that attracts the interest of potential customers and existing customers alike.

My comments 

When beginning to plan the advertisement designs, the components that i am planning to create is poster and print adverts. I plan to create billboards posters for side of bus stops, livery on a bus. I chose to cover these areas of print media is because i think it is a really effective way to spread the word and promote my film to a wide audience. 

When creating promotional resources for my film i also chose digital media platforms to also promote my product as technology has progressed throughout the years. During this day in age my target audience which is teens use technology and social media the most so with ads popping up this will encourage people to explore it.        

Due to my study, I believe the poster and billboard designs I created perfectly demonstrate my comprehension of genuine media items in the Horror/Thriller market. For example, I employ a mostly colourless colour palette that contrasts with the title/blood stain's red typography. 

The contrast between the deep black backdrop and the deep red of the title and the iconic red balloon is very similar to the illustration below of the 'IT' film poster. Connoting blood symbolism and creating an uncomfortable environment, achieving the same purpose as my poster, demonstrating my research and comprehension.

Codes of Media
Technical, textual, and symbolic methods used to generate or indicate meaning in media forms and products are referred to as media codes. Camera, acting, setting, mise en scene, editing, lighting, sound, special effects, typography, colour, visual composition, text, and graphics are all examples of media codes

Conventions of the Media
Story principles, form and structure, generic structures, character and story arcs, cause and effect, point of view, the structuring of time, elements of page layout, print paper stock, titles and credits sequences, hyperlinking, and mounting and framing of images are all examples of rules or generally accepted ways of constructing form and informing meaning in media products.

The image in the background is my own image i have had to take this image into Photoshop to change colours and to get the poster aesthetic i went of Placeit which is the water mark showing through my image. 


My final design is above for my horror film, My final design fits in with the original brief from 21st century productions limited. The target audience was 17-25 years with a 70% male and 30% female ratio. I feel that my design fulfills the brief. In my opinion and the opinion of an  external graphic designer the message is embedded quite clearly. The black and white colour scheme fits in with the horror vibe, especially with the use of a dark image of a park as it is quite ambiguous. the typography is blood dripping so it suggests to the viewer that something is going to happen. 

In my opinion i think my final design was successful to fit cross plat form quality. It can be seen in a various amount of settings weather it is traditional or digital. This can be seen on social media sites which is very useful for today's generation as it is very technology orientated. This is highlighted even more due to the social media target audience relating with the movie target audience as there is a majority of social media users that fit that age range for example, Instagram. This poster can also be further successfully adapted for digital media platforms to go on websites for example cinema sites. This would then allow people to know what film is being showcased easier as they have the representation for that specific film.    

Above is a graph that outlines the percentage and age of social media users across different platforms.

The creation of this poster entailed numerous factors for the final product to come to life which all comes at a cost no matter how small or big. The background of the poster is an image of Croxteth park Liverpool which required travel which come at a small cost. The rest of the work I created was rather small in terms of editing as it didn't require many adjustments, which in the real world of movie poster creation would not cost a big deal. 

The real cost factor would be the distribution. Most likely the poster would be distributed in A1 size which in black and white would only cost 40p on average per poster. 

However in colour it would be £2.20 per print, a significant increase to the cost. For example if there are prints distributed all across the world the price of distribution would be greater. From the figure of £2.20, if there are 100,000 posters around the world it would cost £220,000 which is not very cost effective however if the film is a block buster the revenue will out weigh the cost.